Crokinole Canada New Product Launches

Crokinole Canada New Product Launches

Crokinole Canada has been busy all year getting ready for the Christmas rush as we like to call it. To keep this short and to the point, here is a video of all the crokinole board sets we are offering this year:

I have also been very busy working on new product launches this year. We've introduced our inexpensive yet beautiful melamine crokinole boards for beginners here and here.

I also am working on a new game called TossUp! It was invented by a gentleman name Marty and he approached me asking if I could help get it made and marketed for him. This board is in production as we speak and will be available in the very near future! You can get a sneak peak by visiting my new site

Another thing I'm very passionate about (which some of you already know!) is the Bible! And my kids are too. So we've developed a card game (similar to Pokemon) which is completely Christian and teaches kids about different Bible characters and their story of faith in God. I'd invite you to check it out at

On other fronts we are just plain busy but excited to move much of our business to a new property we've purchased. 

There's lots to be done and we believe God is blessing our business as we honor Him. If you don't know Jesus I'd invite you to check out my website and watch some videos on that site. An encounter with Jesus changes everything.

Thank you for all your support. Oh! And while you are reading this, make sure to take a look at these beautiful hand inlaid boards we've recently added at

Happy Flicking!

Ted Fuller and Team


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